Butt Why?

Photo by: Alexander Krivitskiy

It seems as if there would be a freedom
In the bondage that contains
The very nature of it is contrary
But that my dear is the very point

A point, it may pierce but more often
Than not
It is just there to feel
The tease of the wheel, the pain
Is the very joy of the experience

Why squirm? It seems to be the question
That is asked with no real desire for answer
Though it does beg (pardon the pun) the question
Why squirm?
Why struggle to escape?
Why resist, pull at the bonds, of restraints
We asked to be put upon ourselves?

Well I suppose it’s time to get to work
These things don’t make themselves read
Crack the knuckles, put it over my knee
Open it up, and peer inside
Let the writing begin.

This was written as part of a prompt from dVerse the prompt was to write an address / conversation poem. This is to paraphrase the definition: a poem that allows the poet to address someone who usually is not with the poet and are usually written in blank verse to create the appearance of conversation or monologue within the poem. You can see the prompt here https://dversepoets.com/2024/04/16/dverse-poetics-maggie-smith-and-conversational-mode-of-address/

I took a few liberties here in subject matter and execution. I made a nod to the erotic nature of most of the poetry on my blog, so if read a certain way that stands out more. And it is not strictly blank verse; consider it poetic license. 😁 I hope you enjoy!

Published by authorstew

C. Stuart Lewis creates poems with feeling, intelligence and sex appeal. His short stories and books focus on characters that feel real in real world situations. Originally from the United States he now resides in Ontario, Canada. Check out his webpage at TheAuthorStew.ca

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